Sublime TextのEmmetのアップデートでショートカットが効かなくなった時の対処法
Sublime TextのEmmetをアップデートするとショートカットの割当が変わり、ショートカットが効かなくなる問題が発生します。
下記のコードをPackage Settings > Emmet > Key Bindings
// Expand abbreviation
// タグを展開
{ "keys": ["ctrl+e"], "command": "emmet_expand_abbreviation" },
// Enter abbreviation mode: explicitly enter abbreviation anywhere
// with interactive preview
{ "keys": ["ctrl+."], "command": "emmet_enter_abbreviation" },
// Wrap with Abbreviation
// 選択範囲を指定したタグで囲む(Emmet形式)
{ "keys": ["shift+ctrl+g"], "command": "emmet_wrap_with_abbreviation", "context": [{"key": "setting.is_widget", "operand": false }] },
// Balance Outward
// タグ全体を選択
{ "keys": ["ctrl+,"], "command": "emmet_balance", "args": { "direction": "outward" } },
// Balance Inward
// カーソルのタグを選択
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+0"], "command": "emmet_balance", "args": { "direction": "inward" } },
// Go to Matching Tag/Tag Pair
// タグの先頭・最後尾に移動
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+j"], "command": "emmet_go_to_tag_pair" },
// Remove Tag
// タグを行ごと削除
// { "keys": ["shift+ctrl+;"], "command": "emmet_remove_tag" },
// Split/Join Tag
// タグを分割・結合する
{ "keys": ["shift+ctrl+`"], "command": "emmet_split_join_tag" },
// Go to Next Edit Point
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+right"], "command": "emmet_go_to_edit_point" },
// Go to Previous Edit Point
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+right"], "command": "emmet_go_to_edit_point", "args": { "previous": true } },
// Select Next Item
// タグ、属性移動
{ "keys": ["shift+ctrl+."], "command": "emmet_select_item" },
// Select Previous Item
// タグ、属性移動
{ "keys": ["shift+ctrl+,"], "command": "emmet_select_item", "args": { "previous": true } },
// Evaluate Math Expression
{ "keys": ["shift+ctrl+y"], "command": "emmet_evaluate_math" },
// Increment/Decrement Number
// 数字を増やす
{ "keys": ["ctrl+up"], "command": "emmet_increment_number", "args": { "delta": 1 } },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+down"], "command": "emmet_increment_number", "args": { "delta": -1 } },
{ "keys": ["alt+up"], "command": "emmet_increment_number", "args": { "delta": 0.1 } },
{ "keys": ["alt+down"], "command": "emmet_increment_number", "args": { "delta": -0.1 } },
{ "keys": ["shift+alt+up"], "command": "emmet_increment_number", "args": { "delta": 10 } },
{ "keys": ["shift+alt+down"], "command": "emmet_increment_number", "args": { "delta": -10 } },
// Update Image Size
{ "keys": ["ctrl+u"], "command": "emmet_update_image_size" },
// Convert data:URL
// パスをdata:URLに変更
{ "keys": ["ctrl+'"], "command": "emmet_convert_data_url" },
// Rename Tag
// カーソルのタグを変更
{ "keys": ["shift+ctrl+'"], "command": "emmet_rename_tag" },